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Australian Company Health Check Service for Japanese subsidiary companies
Key Points:
1) J-ABC and a leading consulting firm in Japan have worked with professionals (e.g. lawyer, accountant and IP specialist) in Australia to develop a check-list in Japanese and English. 2) J-ABC and a leading consulting firm in Japan provide the “health check” service of the Japanese business administration/ management to ensure the effective corporate governance and to support risk management for the JPN company and its subsidiary companies in Australia. 3) This service checks the activities and structure of the company from the perspective of registration, taxation, records/reporting, human resources, etc. 4) This is the first service in Australia to provide such kind of service which has a wide range of items to be checked but using only one checklist written in Japanese and English. 5) J-ABC and a leading consulting firm in Japan assist with advice from professional service firms to support providing this service. |
Outline of the Consulting Service
1) We provide the "health check" service of the business administration/ project management from the corporate governance to support the risk management for the Japanese subsidiary companies in Australia. 2) This service will check the activities and structure of your company from the perspective of registration, taxation, records/ reports, human resources, etc. We will receive advice from professionals for providing this services. 3) However, we will strongly recommend your company to engage professional service (e.g. lawyer/ accountant) directly if anything needs to be improved from legal/ financial perspective. |
Corporate governance perspective
We will use the checklist to improve your corporate governance. The following points to be investigated:
1) Create and delegate authority?
2) Develop clear policies and procedures?
3) Manage employees and create accountability?
4) Carry out the necessary processes followed by the review of your business?
We will use the checklist to improve your corporate governance. The following points to be investigated:
1) Create and delegate authority?
2) Develop clear policies and procedures?
3) Manage employees and create accountability?
4) Carry out the necessary processes followed by the review of your business?
Procedures and fee
1) To check the documents, a meeting room is required in your company to ensure confidentiality and security.
2) We will prepare a schedule in collaboration with your company to ensure least disruption to your daily activities. 3) We will consult you if the original fee will be exceeded (e.g. if professional advice from a lawyer is required or the number of documents we are required to review exceeds our initial estimate). Any external professional advice that is required to be obtained will be in excess of the original fee, unless otherwise agreed. Any external professional advice will be agreed by you in writing before the fee are incurred. 4) If you have any queries about the fee, please contact us. |
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